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British Foreign Secretary condemns Hong Kong Bounties

15 December 2023 - Yesterday, another five Hong Kongers, who participate in democracy and freedom activities and who are living abroad, have been targeted by the Hong Kong authorities, including some living in the UK. The five Hong Kong activists targeted this week, follow the eight who were initially targeted in July 2023. All those affected now live in the UK, the US or Australia. 

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said: 

“The Hong Kong police have again targeted individuals for exercising their right to freedom of expression. 

I have instructed officials in Hong Kong, Beijing and London to raise this issue as a matter of urgency with the Hong Kong and Chinese authorities. 

We will not tolerate any attempt by any foreign power to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. This is a threat to our democracy and fundamental human rights. 

We call on Beijing to repeal the National Security Law and end its persecution of political activists.” 


Mark Sabah, Director, Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation said: 

“We warmly welcome the Foreign Secretary’s words, and we hope that he backs that up by taking firm action to protect those Hong Kongers living in the UK. Transnational repression and foreign interference by China is unacceptable and must be cut out immediately to show that the British Government will stand with the very Hong Kongers they claim to protect.” 

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